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Endotine Facelift


Cosmetic Surgeries


ENDOTINE facelift surgery is a set of surgical procedures to improve visible signs of ageing on the face, forehead and neck. It involved the use of ENDOTINETM – a bioabsorbable implant for use in plastic surgery to fixate soft tissue to both soft tissue and bone. This device has a unique structure, by using its ‘tines’ to provide multiple points of contact to grasp and hold tissue in its elevated position at the same time create a more even and gentle distribution of tension. ENDOTINETM device can be used for Brow lift, Forehead Lift, Cheek lift, Midface lift, Jowl Lift and Neck Lift. This device designed for optimal control of brow height and shape, corrects sagging midface tissues and softens the hollows that appear just below the eyes. It can also diminish the nasolabial fold, the groove from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth that becomes more prominent with age. One of the key advantages of this device is that during surgery it can be easily re-adjust for optimal correction and position.

What is involved in the pre-operative consultation?

During the initial consultation, the goals for the surgery will be discussed and each surgery will be individualized to that patient's needs. Dr Fok will evaluate the patient’s face, including the skin and underlying bones and he will also help to determine which procedure is best for the patient whether an additional procedure such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) maybe necessary. During this consultation various types of anaesthesia for the surgery will be discussed. The type of anaesthesia used will depend on the problem being treated and other factors. Do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have, especially those regarding your expectations and concerns about the results. Existing health conditions could cause problems during or after surgery such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, or the tendency to form excessive scars. Therefore its advisable to bring up to Dr Fok’s attention during the consultation.

Who is suitable for ENDOTINETM facelift?

ENDOTINETM facelift surgery is ideal for women and man who need a mild adjustment in order to restore their youthful look but don’t want to undergo major surgery. In addition, it works best on patients in their 40s who may not yet ready for a full conventional facelift surgery.

What happens on the day of the surgery?

Dr Fok performs most of his ENDOTINETM facelift surgery in his Ambulatory Surgery Centre as an outpatient procedure under Twilight sedation combined with local anesthesia. The patient will experience drowsiness but relax throughout the surgery and the face will be insensitive to pain.
The surgery usually takes 1½ hours or longer if more than one procedure is required at the same time. Typically this procedure only requires small incisions in the hairline at the temples and another small incision in the mouth depending on type of ENDOTINETM facelift surgery. A compression bandage will be put on immediately after surgery while the patient is recovering from the twilight sedation.

What is the recovery like?

The patient should be able to resume to their daily activities the next day after surgery. An appointment will be given for a review by Dr Fok the next day after the surgery and our nurses will check on the dressings at the same time.
Patients are generally comfortable during the recovery phase with the usual pain medication prescribed by Dr Fok. It is advisable to avoid strenuous activities for 2 weeks, avoid alcohol intake, quit smoking and avoid steam baths and saunas for 2-3 months.

Will there be visible scars?

As the incisions are made in the hairline at the temples and the mouth thus will not leave any visible scars. Stitches will be removed after 7-10 days. Individual healing ability is the main factor contributing to the final outcome of the scars. Other factors include infection and smoking that delays the healing of the skin. Antibiotics and some other medication that promotes skin healing will be prescribed. Smokers have to stop smoking at least 2 weeks before and after the surgery to ensure proper healing of the wounds.

What are the risks involved?

It is crucial to get a well-qualified Plastic surgeon to perform the surgery; complications are infrequent and usually minor. However, individuals vary greatly in their anatomy, physical reactions and healing abilities, hence the outcome is never completely predictable.

Complications that can happen include haematoma, temporary injury to the nerves that control facial muscles, infection and reactions to the anesthesia. Poor healing of the skin is most likely to affect smokers. The risks can be reduce by closely follow our advice before and after surgery.


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